The Product endpoints allow you to retrieve product information for a specific product.


Product Preview Model

    id: string,
    title: string,
    brand: string,
    images: [{
            50x50: URI,
            250x: URI,
            450x: URI,
            960x: URI,
            id: string,
            original: URI
    priceIncVat: {
        value: decimal,
        currency: string,
        formatted: string
    discountPriceIncVat: {
        value: decimal,
        currency: string,
        formatted: string
    isInStock: boolean

Full Product Model

    id: string,
    title: string,
    description: string,
    priceIncVat: {
        value: decimal,
        currency: string,
        formatted: string
  priceIncVat: {
 	value: decimal,
 	currency: string,
    	formatted: string
    vat: {
        value: integer,
        formatted: string
    currency: string,
    deliveryTime: string,
    deliveryCost: {
        value: decimal,
        currency: string,
        formatted: string
    brand: string,
    category: {
	name: string,
	id: string
    market: string,
    merchant: string,
    merchantName: string,
    accessRights: string,
    isInStock: boolean,
    images: [{
            50x50: URI,
            250x: URI,
            450x: URI,
            960x: URI,
            id: string,
            original: URI
    variants: [{
            id: string,
            productId: string,
            title: string,
            description: string,
            stockCount: integer,
            stockCountUnlimited: boolean,
            attributes: {
                key: string
            attributesValue: string,
            priceIncVat: {
                value: decimal,
                currency: string,
                formatted: string
            discountPriceIncVat: {
                value: decimal,
                currency: string,
                formatted: string
            vat: {
                value: integer,
                formatted: string
            currency: string,
            images: [{
                50x50: URI,
                250x: URI,
                450x: URI,
                960x: URI,
                id: string,
                original: URI
            sku: string,
            isInStock: boolean,
            gtin: {
                type: string,
                value: string
            mpn: string,
            unitPrice: {
                value: decimal,
                currency: string,
                formatted: string
            unitPriceBaseMeasure: {
                value: decimal,
                unit: string
            metadata: {
                color: { 
                    values: [ string, ... ]
                material: {
                    values: [ string, ... ]
                pattern: {
                    values: [ string, ...]
                gender: {
                    values: [ string, ... ]
    lastUpdateDate: date,
    freeReturn: boolean,
    posTags: [
	    name: string,
            values: [ string, ...]

Essential product model attributes

id: used to reference for the product when adding to cart or getting to know more about it (ie. list of variants, similar products)

images: a list of image objects, keyed by the resolution (250,450,960) but also with an option to get the original size. Also, note underlined URI fragment (h_50,w_50), that you may modify to get the desired image size.

priceIncVat: original price of an item

discountPriceIncVat: the price that we currently sell the item for. If it is equal to the price, it means that there's no any sale. If the price is lower, then it means the product is on a sale

available: if true, you should be able to add it to cart. else no

variants: all SKUs nested into the master product

attributes: what concrete product variant is that (color, size, sex etc)

POS Tags

It is possible to set custom tags on the products by the POS which will be returned in the product API returning full product model. Tags are also stored in the orders. The tags can be added in Tipser Portal by POS users ( on the product detail page.

Before you can start defining custom tags you have to send us desired tag families with allowed values.

Example response:
